Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Terrific Value - Family Virtues Book Critique

By Brayden Griffin

When she spoke of our President and his alleged non-belief in America's exceptionalism, she omitted a large portion of his quote. When the quote is read in full, you'll find that our President said he believed in our country's exceptionalism just as citizens of other countries around the world believe in their individual country's exceptionalism, using Greece and England as two examples.

For too long we have been sold the snake oil of big government by the elites of both parties without ever really being honest about it. What Sarah does is give voice to the very American values and beliefs that most hold dear. Americans cannot forget that. Between her two books, Ms Palin has received more education, especially from writings and quotes by Americans past and present.

Some is current, while some was historical. I can't believe she didn't know that what she was writing was wrong, and if she didn't, then maybe she needs to do a little research into a subject before spouting off.

That alone shows that Palin is entertaining and short of any substance. How dare she question the President and the First Lady's feelings of America.

I am extremely patriotic, a national nominee for VFW teacher of the year, and was indeed a 2001 Walmart teacher of the year. I buy 30 soldiers a Cup of Joe every month. Sarah Palin addresses these issues and more in her book. "America by Heart, Reflections on Family, Faith and Flag" is a must read to everyone who wishes to gain a different prospective to important issues of our times. That's not fair, and that's not going to get me outta debt. Just a good, hard, honest job will, like the one I used to have before they shipped it overseas. I am sorry that some people's parents didn't teach them. The book is a continuation from the last book, where Sarah went around the country talking to people like us, where it became clear she understands us. But Sarah, while probably correct that it will not be made again, is totally wrong as to why. She and Todd would probably be the only ones in the theater willing to pony up $20 to watch a movie about Washington and boy scouts. Everyone is entitled to an opinion but she pushes hers as more than just an opinion, she treats them as facts. Lots of assertions, no facts, and unsurprisingly disappoints. I read yours from the library first and like it so much that I am buying it as a Christmas present to myself. Thank you very much. Open your eyes people, especially you Palin. You are a demagogue who is taking advantage of a citizenry that is in real pain from the economic policies of the past 30 years.

That she is not patriotic. In fact, anyone who loves this country, despite disagreement with our President would still respect the power of the office and all it stands for.

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