Thursday, December 1, 2011

What Are the New Features in The iPad 2?

By Mike Sanders

For most of us, it is impossible to escape the fact that the iPad 2 is now available. There is always a lot of hoopla when it comes to Apple products. Is this as a result of Apple's product line being great or merely buzzt from their loyal fan base? Coming from somebody who is indifferent, I'd say it's a bit of both. One year separates the release dates of the iPad and now the iPad 2. Hence, if you got the initial model, I will now offer my opinion on if you should consider changing to the iPad 2.

As for the physical size, the iPad 2 is a lot smaller in size than the original iPad. The iPad 2 is slimmer by about a third of the original although the screen dimensions remain unaltered. The weight of the iPad 2 has also seen a decrease with it now tipping the scales at just 600 grams. Light by any measures. I've held both an iPad and an iPad 2 and I must declare there is an evident difference in its feel. Any thought you may have that it will not work as well, due to the size alterations, could not be further from the truth.

Comparing to the first model, the iPad 2 is speedier. The graphics processor is touted by Apple to be 9 times faster than the original iPad. That is a significant improvement, if what they say is accurate. The rationale behind this is deu to new cameras and what is required for games. An A5 chip implies that Apple also now has a processor that is a lot quicker. The reason it is fast is because the iPad 2 possesses a dual core A5 processing chip. I certainly found it was zippier, even with several apps running in the background. If I use the various media on the original and then the latest iPad, the faster load speed time is noticeable.

The iPad 2 now has two cameras. You will find two cameras situated at both the back and the front. The original iPad had no cameras the least bit, so this is a big feature if you're bothered about having a camera on your device. One camera shoots 720p HD and the second camera isn't as great. FaceTime and PhotoBooth are two new additions to the iPad which allow you to make video calls and shoot interesting pics, respectively. With FaceTime, the front camera allows your calling partner to watch you and the back camera lets your partner see what you can see, on the back side of the iPad. Also I genuinely advise using the Ferrari Maranello iPad 2 case.

Switching from the iPad to the iPad 2 is, I would suppose, for people who feel the need for the faster processors and have money. If we ignore the cameras, then the changes are not groundbreaking but do make it a better model. Besides that the iPad stylus is a strong improvement over former types.

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