Friday, December 2, 2011

The Actual Reason Why You Should Always Have A Self-Defense Weapon Available Right Now

By Vanesa O Davis

Possibly because I spent my youth in a largely boisterous working-class location, I didn't think significantly about idlers ogling and also catcalling at female passersby. When you walked on and avoided them, they generally let you be.

It never ever dawned on me precisely what would occur in case they did not, in fact, leave you alone. Well, it could get very ugly. You would be blessed to have some self-defense handy like, say, Mace pepper spray for your keychain ring keeping your house keys.

One night, in a less familiar locale where I am living solo in an apartment, drunks started throwing stares and dirty innuendo at me. You would feel that the safest response would be to not react in any way but one man looked to take offense and went after me.

You can only imagine the fright brought on by being chased down the street, yourself in heels and also carrying office baggage along with a laptop. In such a condition, you can thank your lucky stars that you got a Mace pepper spray for your keychain ring beforehand.

It was rather serendipitous exactly how I ended up with a keychain pepper spray. I joined at the last minute a colleague putting an online order. I knew the brand and it couldn't hurt to carry a non-lethal weapon.

After the order was made, I knew what good it is to find a suitable Mace pepper spray for your keychain ring. It guarantees speedy access to personal defense in the thick of an attack. Mine, says the Internet, sends out a fogger for a good 5 feet.

No aggressor is going to wait for you to come around. In the event you need to rifle through items in your handbag to find your defense spray, then you are as good as dead. A mini pepper spray fashioned as a low-key keychain baton, you can grab at a moment's notice.

Right after purchase, my Mace pepper baton took an drunk loafer down and helped get me home securely. Don't let yourself be defenseless out there. Get a Mace pepper spray for your keychain ring linked to your bag so that security travels with you.

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