Monday, November 21, 2011

The Real Upshot Of Shooting And Other Aggressive Video Games

By Shamcey De Guzman

Violent-laden video games, which include those that belong to the ego-shooter or first-person shooter genre - are always under close scrutiny by parents and advocacy groups who are worried about the ill-effects of such games on growing kids and teenagers. Majority of the researches and studies about this phenomenon indicate the need for us to focus more on the personality of the player instead on the general content of these video games.

First-person Shooters and other Games and Violent Characteristics

There is no valid reason that your kid would turn into a killer or sociopath when he or she play games like first-person shooting, particularly, those games that are heavily themed with violence and brutal storylines. However, psychologist said that parents have to observe their kid's behavior, and something unusual occur like change in mood, they became anxious and unruly; then they have to the the necessary interventions and diminish the time consumed by their kids in playing their desired shooting game.

The psychological impact of video games is rather a complex concern, and there are lots of apprehensions and confusion on the true effects of the brutally-themed video games on the psychological and rational idea of growing teens and kids. We do not have to decide whether first-person games are good or bad. There are several glitches that are needed to be known in studying the real impact of the type of video games on the personality and behavior and an individual. For example, a person with a specific perspective towards the game may elicit signs of ill-effects when playing it.

Aggressive Tendencies of Video Game Players

A group of scientists noted a rather small increase in the aggressive tendencies of their study group and such tendencies were linked to specific personality characteristics. The study stated that video gamers who are possible to manifest hostile behavior were those who achieved extra levels of neuroticism and dramatically low levels of sociability and carefulness. The research divided the prospects into 2 categories - one group will play violent-themed video games and the other one will play games that are not.

According to the proponents of the research, the hostile tendencies are largely influenced by the level of competition of the game and not by its violent content. Irrespective of the theme of the video game, highly competitive games tend to trigger aggressive responses from the players.

Video gaming has continually grown by leaps and bounds. Some sectors are raising the red flag and insisting on the potential link between aggression and the level of violent content of video games. However, there are also studies that disprove this claim. Amid these conflicting positions, parents and advocacy groups should be more vigilant in monitoring and guiding kids about the potential ill-effects of video games with extremely violent content.

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