Thursday, December 22, 2011

Fuel Tank Gauge And Its Importance

By Howell Booblekin

A personal vehicle is one means that you can conveniently go to places that you would like to visit. But majority of the vehicles nowadays will not be of use if you will not put any fuel on it. But refueling is not just enough but the amount available in the tank should be enough to make you run longer mileage.

To keep the driver updated with the level of fuel in the tank, the car is equipped with the fuel tank gauge. Made up of the indicator and the sensing units, this is the most convenient way to which fuel level can be monitored to avoid delay in the trip. The needle that moves up and down informs the driver if there is a need to add gas or not.

Although most gauges in cars are made to perfection as per standards of the manufacturing company, there are instances however when this instrument does not function as expected. One common problem is when the needle does not move regardless of the amount of fuel available in the tank. This will lead the driver to believe that he/she can still run higher mileage yet the tank actually contains little or no fuel at all.

Instances when the needle of your gauge does not move even if you have already refueled or the gas tank appears to be too quiet are signs that you are facing a probable problem with the gauge. This can be verified by rechecking if indeed the indicator needle is not moving by lowering down the amount of fuel in your tank or by listening to a whining sound on your tank when you turn on your car.

If the needle appears to be stationary or when your tank is unexpectedly silent, then it is a guarantee that something is wrong in your gauge. If you continue to run the vehicle even on such condition, then you should expect for sudden problems in the road. One of two things might happen: you will suddenly stop in the middle of the road because you do not have enough fuel or you will experience short circuits as wires are removed from its rightful position.

For checking, you simply have to look at the gas tank and see if there are things such as wires which were unhooked or hanging or something else is blocking the flow of current which will move the indicator needle. If this is the case, you simply have to reconnect the wires to appropriate partner wires then fitting it to the gas censor. If more complicated problems are present, better have your vehicle checked by an expert the soonest possible time.

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